
As Principal of Fahan School, Meg leads a passionate group of educators and professional staff.

Meg Lawson

As Principal of Fahan School, Meg leads a passionate group of educators and professional staff who are deeply committed to delivering a world-class education to girls in an independent school setting.

Fahan School has long offered girls and young women an environment in which they are given every chance to flourish. They are cared for and educated in an inclusive, positive and dynamic school environment which cherishes and fosters excellence, resilience and creativity. A rich and impressive history of educating and empowering girls who contribute deeply and authentically to the community, is paired with a sharply-focused eye on the future of education and work. Fahan is a school that has a clear sense of purpose, an extraordinarily beautiful campus and a deep connection to its community.

Meg is a long-standing member of staff and is known and trusted as an outstanding leader of people at Fahan. With over 25 years teaching experience and a long association with our School, including executive management of the Junior School, Meg's passion for learning, commitment to the girls and respected status amongst staff has ensured that the School maintains its focus on our key values of Learning, Spirit and Community.

Meg's guiding principles are values-laden and student centred. “I want a Fahan girl to stride with dignity and purpose into the future with the capacity to create and navigate her own opportunities and outcomes. I feel very privileged to work in such a beautiful environment and I encourage you to make an appointment to meet with me as I would be proud to show you our wonderful School in action and speak with you about the opportunities that exist for your daughter as a Fahan girl.” 




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