31 July 2013
After our week at Oxford, Anne and I journeyed to London to attend the inaugural Fahan School Alumni Reunion in that city. Photos from this event are on the Fahan website. We were very fortunate to be joined by Robert Owens and his wife, Cathie, who were in London on long service leave, and also it was great to see former staff member Jane Naqvi there with her two daughters. It was wonderful to meet so many Fahan alumni working overseas and also to welcome future alumna and current student, Lauren Sherman, and her mother Sally, who included the event in their UK holiday. Everyone in attendance appeared to enjoy the afternoon very much and appreciated the opportunity to renew or strengthen their connections within the Fahan community. I especially would like to thank Sophie Broomhall (Fahan 2005) and her partner, Andrew, for hosting the event at "The Flying Horse", the typical and quaint English pub that they manage. Following the reunion, Anne and I ventured to Cambridge where I attended the Cambridge International Education Conference. There was a large delegation of attendees from Nigeria at this conference and their enthusiasm for their profession was infectious; I felt privileged to be able to work with them. The standard of presentations was very good and the topics covered were most relevant and informative. I certainly appreciated the opportunity to learn in such a great environment. A highlight of each day was the walk back to my accommodation across the backs, over the Cam River and through the historic town. The congestion of punts on the river was a sight to behold and would be a nightmare for any WHS officer! For the last part of our trip, Anne and I enjoyed a four-day river cruise on the Seine, from Paris to the Normandy Coast. English speakers were in a minority on board, so it was a wonderful opportunity to improve my French language skills. Au revoir for now and I look forward to seeing you all at Fahan very soon.