19 May 2011
On Tuesday 17 May, Fahan held a Biggest Morning Tea in order to raise money for Cancer Council Tasmania to support their vital work in research, education, prevention and support.
The morning tea was held in the Junior and Senior Schools and beautiful yellow cupcakes and glasses of cordial were sold for a gold coin donation.
The morning tea raised over $300 and was organised by the Student Leaders and Mrs Birgitta Browning and Mrs Felicity Roger.
Fahan has been a supporter of the Cancer Council for a long time now and 2011 was also the School's tenth consecutive year of participating in Relay For Life.
Last year, Fahan was also one of five schools to trial the pilot Grow a Daffodil for Daffodil Day program.
The program involved Year 6 students planting daffodil bulbs in April in order for them to flower for Daffodil Day in August.
The students then sold the plants, along with other Daffodil Day items, to raise money.
To find out more about Australia's Biggest Morning Tea please click here.